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 The Challenge of Accountability

The Challenge of Accountability

Posted by Lucy Kovalova-Woods on Mar 16th 2023

No one can help you unless you are ready to help yourself.

I have experienced this many times when trying to help a person, and in return, receive a demand for more and 'not enough,' 'not right.' It is not like we expect something in return, but being pressured into 'helping more' does not feel right.

What is the problem, you think? When one wants something, it is easy for us to do merely enough surface work to claim we did our best. We lack the urgency to achieve it. Instead, we sit, complain, and wait for others to solve our problems, provide solutions, money, a job, and other things within our capacity to attain.

I don't know about you, but I've seen it enough. We can't continue doing the same things expecting a different result.

Frankly, we all have had our low moments, but somehow not all of us get up and take responsibility to make them real.

No one owes us anything. This is our one life, and we must make something magnificent out of it or not. The neighbor has no obligation to hire you because you are friendly. The boss hasn't a responsibility to protect you from lay-offs. We must keep our skills updated, resume dusted, and perpetually network because the one thing in life that is guaranteed is that there aren't any guarantees.

Your family members have no obligation to lend you money, help with a place to stay, or anything else. I understand how life can through numerous setbacks at us even when we have prepared. We must challenge ourselves to be either a victim or a victor. We can't be both.

Your accountability fails you when you think otherwise. If someone offers help, decide how much help you should accept. Use the opportunity to rise and help others in return.

Listen to Motivational Monday by Jim And Lucy Podcast, the Episode about Accountability

Being accountable means taking responsibility for your life; for your actions. We all get stuck in life. We can help you hone the right strategies to make better choices to lead you to happier, healthier relationships and work that fulfills you. Contact us for a free coaching session.